FERC is the federal agency in charge of hydroproject relicensing. It is not likely to be persuaded solely by KRB’s filings — we need a groundswell of community support behind our positions. We have tried to tee up the issues for you; we urge you to support us with FERC in your own voice. Tell them who you are (don’t be afraid to brag!), tell them why and how much you love this river, and tell them what specific concerns you have and actions you want them to take (e.g., “reject SCE’s WR-1 MIF proposal,” or “adopt the KRB MIF proposal” [or whatever specific issue is at hand].) Even if it’s just to say, “I support Kern River Boaters for the reasons KRB has put forward” or “no one understands the Kern like KRB,” every voice of support helps! Feel free to contact us if you need further direction or inspiration.
To File a Quick Comment:
Navigate to the FERC “Quick Comment” website.
Fill in your data, including the Project Docket No. (e.g., “P-2290-122” for KR3).
Upload your comment (6,000 word limit).
To File a Lengthier Comment, or to Intervene, or to include pictures/attachments:
Register an account with FERC (free).
The Construction of Fairview Dam