A Brief Respite from the KR3 Diversion?
Edison today announced its "intent to dewater a water conveyance" at its Kern River No. 3 hydroproject to conduct repairs from March 01 to March 14 of this year. KR3, of course, dewaters 600cfs from the Upper Kern. Hopefully Edison's vague declaration means it will not divert water from the river during that period of time, and thus Chamise, and hopefully more if we get more snowmelt, will be open for business those two weeks.
[March 01 UPDATE: As of today, the flow phone indicated that SCE is not diverting on the Upper Kern. Get out there and enjoy the next two weeks. Chamise is in and, once temperatures warm up a bit, hopefully more -- KRB.]
[March 18 UPDATE: On March 13, Edison resumed diverting water from the upper Kern, leaving only 81cfs in the riverbed.]